We believe in community:
Human rights for all, irrespective of migrant status, gender identity, and sexuality, is safeguarded by community. To facilitate dialogue, we provide education on the intersection of migration and gender.
Education Features: 2021
In 2021, our 16 Days of Activism against GBV Campaign was co-led by
participants in our Migrant Youth Leadership Program (MYLP).
The campaign focused on migration in the Istanbul Convention and
included a multi-stakeholder dialogue event on “Youth Perspectives on
Migration: Revisiting the Istanbul Convention.” The event brought together
key actors as a means of envisioning collaborations across institutional
levels. Recording coming soon.
2021 CMGJ “Youth Perspectives on Migration: Revisiting the Istanbul Convention”
We also continued to offer free online language classes (ESL)
to ensure that migrant women have opportunities to learn during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Genevieve Ayers, our ESL Tutor, provided
one-on-one tutoring on weeknights in the Portland metro area.
Education Features: 2020
As part of our first 16 Days of Activism against GBV
Campaign, we highlighted GBV experienced by Venezuelan
women, girl, LGBTQIA+, and gender diverse migrants in
transit- and destination countries. The campaign featured
the important work done to address this by our partners
CEPAZ, VIA, Hearts on Venezuela, Vita Activa, and the
LGBTQ Asylum Project. The campaign was available in Spanish
and English.
2020 CMGJ + Partners Spotlight Dossier “16 Days of Activism” - Spanish
In 2020, we launched our inaugural 16 Days of Activism
against GBV Campaign. Our annual campaign brings
awareness around different forms of GBV experienced by
women, girl, LGBTQIA+, and gender diverse migrants in
displacement settings. The Campaign generally includes a
social media educational series along with other outputs
such as Spotlight Reports and events.
What’s new in our education?
Stay up-to-date with our work on social media.